There you go! is an online campaign, supported by a short animated video and an illustrated booklet by Survival International.

Survival International is a UK-based global movement, founded in 1969 that fights for tribal/indigenous people’s rights, acting as a platform for their voices, especially when there is a need to report cases of abuse, racism, genocide, dispossession, expropriation and other forms of institutionalized violence against them.

There you go! campaign is arguably unique in its attempt to challenge the notion of (sustainable) development from the perspective and lived experience of tribal people. Together with other resources (see the “Progress can kill” report below) it makes a case for a need to re-think our understandings of sustainability, development and progress and examine its harmful impacts for tribal people, especially those that live in remote areas.

The video and the booklet were created to make the thinking behind the work of Survival intelligible to broader audiences (their supporters) and has been used in various educational contexts that seek to challenge dominant understandings of progress, development and human evolution.   

The There you go! animated video, as well as other resources and campaigns developed by Survival International (see their website) may be of relevance to anyone interested in challenging mainstream or dominant understandings of sustainability, development, progress and human evolution (see also “Through Other Eyes”).

The short video can be used as an effective tool in communicating the complex subject of multiple notions of sustainable ways of being (indigenous/tribal vs. progress-based/Western) and the at times negative effects “sustainable” development and “progress” can have on the lives of indigenous/tribal people across the world.