Bridge 47, in partnership with the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, participated in this week’s UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. The joint session entitled ‘Transformative Education – Implementing SDG Target 4.7’ took place at the SDG Market Place during the first day of the conference.
“Bridge 47 are delighted to participate in UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development with our partners in the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens. In order to achieve the transformative vision of Agenda 2030, we must change the way we think and act” pointed out Rilli Lappalainen Director of Sustainable Development for Fingo and Chair and Founder of Bridge 47, who was co-moderating event with Monika Froehler, CEO of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens.
The participatory session explored how Mission 4.7 and Bridge 47 advocate for the implementation of SDG Target 4.7 and examined best-practices globally. The event demonstrated how Target 4.7 seeks to ensure that all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality and Global Citizenship.
Speakers for Mission 4.7 were Sam Loni, Program Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Director of Global Schools and Amanda Abrom, Program Manager, Global Schools, SDSN. Jose Roberto Guevara, President of the International Council for Adult Education spoke of behalf of Bridge 47.
“We should make sure that the commitment to lifelong learning is an active and ongoing commitment. Target 4.7 is not just a single target: it's the heart of the SDGs because it recognises the substance of what needs to change if we are truly achieve sustainable development. More importantly, Target 4.7 recognises that solutions aren’t just about more of the same. We need to rethink the methods and essence of the current education system in line with the principles of sustainable development”, said Robbie Guevara.
The notion of jumping from the local to the global was critically discussed by the speakers.
“There is need to build partnerships with the Global South opposed to just zooming in from the local to the global. The model of ESD that we are advocating for is about acting now. That's why we wanted to test this in classrooms around the world. The preliminary results show an improvement in how children learn and act” according to Sam Loni of SDSN.
This virtual exhibition included online booths and live sessions, where various stakeholders from all over the world showcased innovative projects and collaborated on good practices regarding the implementation of Target 4.7.
For further information on the event, see here.
You can watch the session here.