Add to Calendar 2019-11-26 22:00:00 2019-11-26 22:00:00 Underpinning the Role of the European Education Area in supporting Europe to Achieve Agenda 2030 Bridge 47 are hosting a multi-stakeholder panel discussion on the topic of the European Education Area viewed through the lens o Zoom Bridge 47 office@netuxo.co.uk Europe/Brussels public

The first of two afternoon workshops with the NHS staff. We are working with key stakeholders in Scotland to support the National Health Service to engage Scottish staff members with the concept of Global Citizenship Education. The NHS employs around 11 % of the population in Scotland with many staff members active abroad as part of their work. The aim of this partnership will be to ensure that staff at home in a national context are empowered and able to engage with GCE. The aim of both events is to get a better understanding of the lived experience of staff within the health service in Scotland and how they relate to Global Citizenship Education. Findings from both workshops will be used to create resources and training for the NHS on GCE and the Sustainable Development Goals. Five training events are planned for early 2020.