Education is key to changing the world, but a sustainable and just world can only be achieved through a vision of life-long and life-wide education that inspires hearts and minds! If we want to see positive changes in our societies, then we need to find new and unique opportunities to share and learn from each other. The Bridge 47 network helps to make that happen.

Why join the Bridge 47 network?

  1. Stay up to date with international happenings in the world of transformative education and SDG Target 4.7.
  2. Grow your network and enrich your own work on transformative education and SDG Target 4.7 by finding others to collaborate with or learn from. We can mediate network connections for you personally and also use social media to connect people.
  3. Promote you own happenings and share your voice. Contribute to our blog and share your own happenings in our social media channels and newsletter.
  4. Get involved in learning and sharing opportunities such as our webinars, events and more.

Who is it?

The Bridge 47 Network brings inspiring and inspired people together from all over the world and opens opportunities for them to exchange ideas, experiences and best practices. It is made up of representatives from civil society organizations and NGOs, researchers, policy makers, activists, business people and educators. Through the network, people from these different areas can find common ground and exchange knowledge.

Who can become a member?

Individuals active in the field of lifelong learning, transformative education and/or SDG Target 4.7.

Target 4.7

Transformative education is key to everything that we do. For example, we focus on advocacy for target 4.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals which aims to “by 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”

The Vision

We strive to form a vibrant coalition across continents. The aim is to create a space for members to collaborate on transforming our societies through education and to help them spot inspiring, out of the box opportunities for cooperation.

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The organisation mostly operates at (level)...
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Tell us the their names and how you relate to them.
Do you personally, or does your organisation, advocate for the SDG Target 4.7?
Do you have any experience in building partnerships with slightly "unusual" suspects, such as the media, private sector, police, military etc. and/or across sectors?
Bridge47 will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you; we may reach out to you personally if we find that there is an interesting opportunity in the network that pertains to you. We will treat your information with respect.

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You can change your mind at any time by writing to and requesting to cancel you network membership.
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Network members

Bridge 47 is happy to facilitate networking on request. This list contains some of our network members and their professional expertise and know-how.

If you are interested in reaching out to one of our network members, please contact

Name Organisation Location Expertise
Vili Aapro Finland
Rosemine Abdallah France
Mange Ram Adhana Association For Promotion Sustainable Development India
Nashwan Ahmed EvalYemen Organization for Development Yemen
Through capacity building and culture spreading about the MEAL of SDG.
Nashwan Ahmed EvalYemen Yemen
All the related Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning issues of SDG Target 4.7.
Joshua Alade Nigeria Youth SDGs Network Nigeria
I am open to share ideas on communication and collaboration for sustainable development as well as organizing for change and youth activism.
Iro Alampei MEdIES network Greece
MEdIES ( is an e-network of educators across the Mediterranean -both formal and non-formal- practitioners in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), a holistic type of education that equally addresses the economic, ecological and social dimensions of any given topic. We aim to contribute to shaping the responsible, environmentally literate, democratic and ethical global citizen, who makes informed choices and engages in committed actions, based on the values of sustainability.
Titus Alexander Democracy Matters United Kingdom
I led a trainer of trainers programme on Learning Advocacy in Global Citizenship 2005 and 2007, and can share materials or revise and update it: How Universities Can Make A Difference: makes the case for teaching practical politics and campaigning as a core subject for democracy. My book Practical Politics: Lessons in Power and Democracy aims to help students and teachers put political skills on the curriculum:  My book Unravelling Global Apartheid: An Overview of World Politics shows the parallels between minority rule in global governance and South Africa before 1994 I help write and run the Charter 99 campaign for global democracy, which influenced the UN Millennium Summit, Millennium Goals, and 10 year project on accountability in global governance.    
Watson Ali Third Generation Project Scotland
Our current program experience (see, and our collaborative methodlogy.
Aymen Ali Ministry of Education Sudan
Abdenour Allouche Youths organization Algeria
Our volunteering and the experience in Algeria.
Khader ALshalash Councilor of Municipality of Bethlehem & presedent of Giving society of Humanitarian Works Bethlehem فلسطين
Khalaf Al’Abri Sultan Qaboos University Oman
I do have a funded project on promoting global citizenship in Omani schools.
Daniel Amewuda emdaG Consulting Limited Ghana
Daniel Amewuda emdaG Consulting Limited Ghana
Social and market research skills: proposal writing, research design, desk review, project management, data collection, analysis, and report writing. Very good knowledge in education and skills development in Ghana, youth and employment in Africa. Good knowledge of social welfare and social protection systems.
Sandra Ameyaw Amankwaa Lifeline Ghana Ghana
Advocacy, partnerships,capacity building and project management e.g health education
Edgar Amorim Sportinguista Ireland
Furaha Anastasie Groupe Scolaire Etoile du Matin Republique democratique du Congo
Localisé en RD.Congo dans la province du Sud-Kivu, le GROUPE SCOLAIRE ETOILE DU MATIN avec deux ans d'expériences dans l'Education fournit au quotidien des efforts pour le changement social en amenant l'élève, qui est son centre d'intéret, à développer de lui-meme ses capacités et aptitudes intellectuelles lui permettant d'acquerir des connaissances et compétences pour promouvoir le développement durable de sa communauté.
Corinne Angier University of Stirling United Kingdom
I am a professor and trained in APCEIU South Korea, Education for Sustainable Understanding. A social science educator for 20 years in the Philippines, advocates Indigenous Peoples Education, Human Rights Education and Sustainable lifestyle.  I am very much willing to share the Philippines experience in achieving SDGs, as well as other present societal issues in the country. Anyone who would like to invite me as speaker can email me at
Jana Arbeiter Centre of International Relations, University of Ljubljana Slovenia
development cooperation, sustainable development (and SDGs), GCED, transformative education, life-long learning, cross-sectoral cooperation in the framework of GCED
Laurent Arnoult Par Le Monde France
Design of digital intercultural correspondance programs for kids.  
Nina Arnus Tri Institute Slovenia
Shahdan Arram Self Employed Egypt
I was previously heading the Civic Education Programme at the Danish Institute in Cairo for 5 years and have ample knowledge on the situation of CE in Egypt and the Arab world. I am currently an executive board member of NACE, the sister network of NECE. 
Martial ATSE PhD Student National Federation Côte d'Ivoire
La connaissance que je peux partager est les organisations et la diffusion des travaux de recherche
Ben Attle Advance Accelerator United Kingdom
Carole Avande Houndjo Pamoja West Africa Bénin
David Ayodele Allfordevelopment Nigeria
Mc Ronald I Banderlipe University of Glasgow Scotland/UK
Project management, stakeholder collaboration, partnership building, research and facilitation
Mc Ronald I Banderlipe University of Strathclyde United Kingdom
project development and management, learning and teaching, collaboration, networking, events and organising conferences
Mira Bangel SenseTribe Consulting Spain
Experience in the design and facilitation of participatory processes, organisational development and conflict resolution
Musa Bangura Earth Regenerative Project Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
As of now, I have no professional knowledge. I just need to learn from other network members.
Adrian Barbaroș OBESSU România
Shermaine Barrett University of Technology, Jamaica/Jamaican Council fot Adult Education Jamaica
Designing training programs. Transformational learning methods. Adult Education skills and competencies. Conducting qualitative research around the issue of sustainable development.
Yahuza Bello National Association of Dukku Students Nigeria
Knowledge on how to improve the standard of education and standard within our localities
Stasa Benko Slovenia
Sue Bentley Eco-Active Learning United Kingdom
Wide-ranging experience engaging with community groups, schools, other children's groups (scouts, churches) around issues of social justice and in particular Fairtrade
Rachel Binnie Glasgow City Council Scotland
Incorporating sustainable and citizenship education in to daily school work across curriculum areas. Close partnership working with others to support teachers deliver young people's entitlements through guidance, resources and professional training.
Kristina Birk-Vellemaa Estonian Sexual Health Association Estonia
Sexuality education, gender mainstreaming, diversification.
Manuel Blendin Welthaus Bielefeld e.V Germany
Global citizenship education: Working with younger people / topics: Coffee, Banana, Fair Trade facilitating workshops and processes
Deanne Boisvert Windesheim Honours College, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Netherlands
non-traditional education methods: collaborating across workfield; nonprofit management; second generation grounded theory methodologies; community resilience
Lawrence P Bomah Team 10 Student Farm Project Liberia
Ingrid Borárosová Bratislava Policy Institute Slovakia
Knowledge based on various methods of informal education especially focusing on the younger generation as our fortress. Also the information and data concerning hate speech, hate crime in its various forms.
Aart Bos MasterPeace Nederland
how to engage, connect and empower youngsters in 40 countries
Laure Boukabza ECPM France
ECPM have developed an educational kit over the years (link to our field of expertise, the abolition of the death penalty), along with debate trainings and interactive activities.
Herbriance Briones Our Lady of Peace School Philippines
Since I am under the Social Science area and a teacher by profession, I am much more willing to be of part in brainstorming and coming up with active pedagogies in delivering the sdg 4.7 to our students nowadays.
Alan Britton Education Scotland Scotland/UK
Ash Brockwell London Interdisciplinary School UK
I have a PhD (Wageningen 2019) in 'Measuring what matters?  Exploring the use of values-based indicators in assessing Education for Sustainability' and have contributed to a number of peer-reviewed publications on values-centred evaluation, most of which were in a previous name.  I am the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning lead for the £4.5m 'Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures' (TESF) project led by the University of Bristol with partners in Rwanda, South Africa, Somalia/Somaliland and India, and am currently working on a background paper specifically about indicator development for Target 4.7.
Kyrstie Brown Bridge 47 Scotland
Gemma Burnside Scotland Malawi Partnership United Kingdom
Working with a broad range of schools and young with international partnerships.
Mahendranath Busgopaul Halley Movement Coalition Mauritius
The position and results of CSOs advancement for SDG 4.7 in our region.
Laurens Bynens Djapo Belgium
-Longstanding expertise on Global Citizenship Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Global Competencies. We have developed our own didactic framework and are mostly active in the Belgian formal education sector, but we have also worked on international projects.  -We are an accredited NGO of the Belgian development cooperation and education sector. I personally have a deep understanding of politics and policy. 
Ronald Cameron Institut de coopération pour l'éducation des adultes Canada
Experiences and global analysis of the current crisis, challenges and alternatives.
Petr Čáp Civic Education Center Czech Republic
- empowering critical pedagogy for transformative actions and approaches - formal, non-formal and informal lifelong civic education - community education  - advocacy and lobbying for transformative education 
MARIA ALICE DE FATIMA CAPOCCHI RIBEIRO Cocca Capocchi Language Services Brazil
I have been an educator for 46 years. I have an MA in Applied LInguistics, an MA in Diital Humanities and am about to complete an MA in Migration and Ethnic Studies. I am a professor, a teacher educator, course and materials designer.
Jorge Cardoso FGS - Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira Portugal
Global Citizenship processes in diferent contexts; Collaboration and networking processes; Methodological approaches; Knowledge co-construction; Colective educational resources construction.
Francesco Cendron Conlan School + start up Centre for Global Citizenship Education Italy
Clara Centeno European Commission, Joint Research Centre Spain
We are finalising a 2Y project, Inno4Div, on teachers intercultural and democratic competence (IDC) development, which has, through literature review and the analysis of 21 innovative practices in EU and beyond, identified the Key enabling components for teachers'  IDC development and the related barriers, the innovation model that takes place in the field, and recommendations for policy makers at EU and national level, for researchers and educational actors and practitioners.
Professor Idahosa Charles Ballsbridge University Worldwide Dominica
Advice and knowledge
Churchill Churchill Alliance for Development and Population Services-ADEPS Kenya
Burke Ciara Individual and lecturing UCC Ireland
Information about working with groups, share learning, experiences etc
Maxine Cleminson Global Citizen Education Solutions USA
I have recently completed a MA in Development Education and Global Learning with UCL with a particular focus on 21st-century skills.  My experience in education spans two decades, three continents, and diverse educational, socio-economic, and cultural settings.  I have taught geography, geology, history, citizenship, and study skills to middle and high school students in a range of settings: inner-city schools under special measures, exclusive private preparatory schools, large international/IB schools, and small rural schools in LMICs.  I have also worked for a nonprofit in India which is focused on women's empowerment.  One of my specific areas of expertise is in developing new PBL and STEM curricula using evidence-based pedagogies.
La Salete Coelho CEAUP - Centre for African Studies of the University of Porto; ESE-IPVC - Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo Portugal
Susana Constante Pereira Freelance working with several organisations Portugal
Claire Coughlan Creativity and Change MTU Crawford Ireland
Visual facilitation skills, graphic harvesting, exploring GCE with youth and adults through arts in particular street art, stop motion animation, street actions. Digital tools for activism, artivism and online collaboration and facilitation 
Carole Coupez Solidarité Laïque France
GCE, expertise on education, formal and non formal 
Elizabeth Crawford UNCW United States
I am a teacher educator at the University of North Carolina Wilmington where I specialize in instructional design and global, social studies education. My research focuses on conceptualizing, measuring, and fostering teachers' global competencies in a standards-driven educational climate. I was a 2017-2018 Global Teacher Education Fellow through the Longview Foundation and currently serve as a HundrED Ambassador, a Helsinki-based non-profit that identifies and helps to spread scalable K12 education innovations around the world. My passion is global partnership with educators, faculty, and organizations on shared efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Floriane Crolas ADESAF France
Senzitization of all publics to international solidarity, sustainable development, gender inequalities, world inequalities.
Support for local authorities in France in countries of ADESAF intervention in Africa.
Anna Dańkowska The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe Germany
whole institution approach, educational materials author, ESD and GCE, degrowth, sustainable food trainer, bottom-up initiatives for sustainability, urban gardens
Krissie Davis Freelance Scotland
Secondary Science teacher for 28 years, so fully conversant with the Scottish Science curriculum.
Development of resources for other teachers and young people
Bert De Bisschop University Center for Development Cooperation Belgium
Laura De Witte Mandacaru - cooperative of social and cultural intervention Portugal
From 2003, I'm part of the pool of trainers of DG Youth and Sports of the Council of Europe : training for trainers in non formal education, in Human Rights education, in Youth Participation, Roma empowerment. I was also part of the editorial team of the manual Compass - Human Rights Education with young people and Composite - Human Rights education with children . Beside, I work also with the Anna Lindh Foundation in trainings fo trainers in Intercultural Citizenship in Euro Med region.
Lally Deardriu Department of Education Ireland
Niels Dekker Niels Dekker Educatie The Netherlands
I'm a specialist in (European) Citizenship Education. My work as a freelance educational developer, trainer and consultant in this field is very diverse. Besides this I recently started teaching Citizenship Education at a vocational school for painters and carpenters in an Urban Area. I have many connections within the (EU) Citizenship bubble. 
Renée DePalma ECIGAL Global Citizenship Education Research Group, University of A Coruña Spain
Teacher preparation, curriculum design and development, participatory action research methodology
Patricia Digon University of La Coruna (Spain) Spain
Eilish Dillon Department of International Development, Maynooth University Ireland
Over 30 years experience in development and global education in a variety of contexts, including 20 years working in higher education. I have extensive facilitation, teaching and lecturing experience in a range of areas of relevance to the SDGs and global development theory, research and practice. I have undertaken Doctoral research of discourses of development and global education in Ireland and on the power relations shaping practice and have published on the connections important for transformative global education, i.e., between the past, present and future; the local and the global and the personal and the political. I have a particular interest in discourses of development as well as in NGO representations of global development and have been active in promoting ethical communication practice in this area over many years.  
Karangeli Dimitra Vox_Populi-S.R.c.Thessaly Greece
Our organization is well aware of how to organize local government simulation sessions, such as the operation of a regional or municipal council.
Nicola Dobson Scottish Government United Kingdom
Experience in a public policy programme linked to the SDG’s, understanding of a whole systems approach to policy making.
Roisin Doherty SOLAS The Further Education and Training Authority Ireland Ireland
Renate Dohmen Open University United Kingdom
I am an educator and researcher and am developing skills in participatory leadership and global social witnessing.
Tim Douglas African Impact Education UK
Carmen Duce University of Valladolid Spain
Monika Duelge Eine Welt Netz NRW e.V. (One World Network NRW e.V.) Germany
* Developing campaigns and projects
* Building networks
* Advocacy
Valerie Duffy National Youth Council of Ireland Ireland
Ria Dunkley University of Glasgow United Kingdom
I have been investigating post-humanism and people’s relationship with the environment since 2011. I have been a lead-researcher at the environmental attraction and education charity, the Eden Project, for climate change education programmes. My research examines how environmental crisis is both driven by human relationships with the natural world and identifies effective formal and informal pedagogies (known as ecopedagogies) that raise consciousness of this relationship to strengthen nature connectedness. I also conduct research on the effects of participation in Citizen Science projects.
Charlotte Dwyer Scotdec United Kingdom
I am an experienced GCE trainer with nearly 15 years of experience. I have a post graduate qualification as a Global Trainer from the University of London. Most of my work has been focussed on delivery in formal education settings.
Madza Ednir Centro de Criação de Imagem Popular CECIP Brasil
- Sistematization of actions in the creation of transformative methodologies - Building dialogue between different Organizations and movements at national and international levels -  Facilitating cooperative learning using Freirean approaches  
Mats Ehn Färnebo folkhögskola Sweden
Dennis Ekwere Children and Young People Living for Peace (CYPLP) Nigeria
Research works and evidence based advocacy.
Hagar Elbarbary Global Centre of Nonkilling Finland
I have 10 years of experience in news producing with Japanese Television through the Middle East and North Africa region, then I came to Finland to do my masters in peace, mediation, and conflict research.  My goal is to eliminate violence and to educate people that peace is achievable. inclusive societies without hatred or violence should be our aim target that I would like to work with 47 bridge team on it.   
Diana Ellis West of Scotland Development Education Centre United Kingdom
Marja Eronen International Romani Union - IRU Finland
Ispecialize in health and disability sociology. I've worked as a researcher in the central administration and the National Board of Education as a special education planner and a producter of learning materials. I have long experience in lobby work in NGOs. 
Graham Esson Perth& Kinross Council Scotland
Ashleigh Evans South Ayrshire Council United Kingdom
Making Connections with Learning for Sustainability Scotland - GTCS accreditation - worked examples for use in BGE and Senior Phase curriculum in Scotland. Worked with SOS - Students for Sustainability at Higher Education level - part of international conference on promoting SDGs in education. 
Oluseyi Fasoranti Local Youth Assembly International Canada
Pass it on project - a platform that was formed for trainers to train more people to become trainers.
Lara Fedorchenko VENRO Germany
Prado Felipe Swarmob CHILE
We have built networks and knowledge about the Latin American educational ecosystem, and know-how about the creation of computer systems for educational collaboration, classroom pedagogical innovation, school change management and 21st century skills for change.
Samuel Fernández Diekert UNESCO Centre Basque Country Spain
Roberto Ferrero Intercultura ODV Italy
Training Project management Intercultural learning Organizational development
Roman Fleißner AWO International Germany
Design and implementation of development education and awareness raising projects with a focus on non-formal education and knowledge campaigns, trainings and events in youth and adult education
Icy Fresno Anabo Independent Spain
Transformative aspects of international higher education and student mobility, applications of the human development and capability approach in education, critical perspectives on conceptualizing and evaluating quality education, qualitative research, proposal writing, connections and networks in the EU and the Philippines
Harm-Jan Fricke Consultant United Kingdom
Education project planning and evaluation, Facilitation of workshops and meetings, Global Learning project, programme and team management
Green Gabby New Global Normal Hong Kong, China
Mostafa Gamal University of Stirling Scotland
Mostafa Gamal Queen Margaret University UK
Expertise in critical global citizenship 
Elisa Gambardella SOLIDAR Foundation Belgium
We are currently developing a policy paper on our members' work for achieving SDG Target 4.7 and, in general, SOLIDAR's advocacy sound and long-standing expertise
Laurence Gardiner Centraal Opvang Asielzoekers COA (Dutch Asylum Service) Netherlands
Current work consists of assisting and supporting refugees through the resettlement process and helping with citizenship in the Netherlands. I work with local, regional national and international partners across countries and cultures. Previous work has included: Trustee with Getting Heard; Director with Oxfordshire Advocacy; Lay Observer with Oxford University Hospitals Trust (OUH) at John Radcliffe Hospital; Lay Member with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) at UK Parliament; Director with CODA International at South African NGO Network (SANGONET); Director with CODA International at South African National Civics Organisation (SANCO); Country Manager with Romanian Orphanages Trust (Oradea); Director and Trustee with Parent Advocates Together.
Sara Garrido Diputació de Barcelona Spain
Ingrid Geier Salzburg University of Teacher Education Austria
In my academic and professional career as a professor as well as a teacher at secondary schools, I have extensively dealt with the design of teaching and learning processes. In recent years, I have focused on transformative education and new teaching and learning methods through several research projects and an additional Master's degree on Global Citizenship Education. I am convinced that the imparting of competencies such as creativity, problem-solving ability, and critical thinking is of crucial importance in today's world, and that innovative and contemporary teaching and learning methods are necessary for this purpose. I am happy to share and learn about different approaches how to make the world a better place.
Anna Gevorgyan EduCare Educational Foundation Armenia
We support trainers in designing courses for formal, informal and non-formal adult education settings;
We work with NGOs to design toolkits to monitor the situation with the right to education in the country.
Dhruba Prasad Ghimire Oxford Advance Engineering College Nepal
We are college. 
Naomi Gichuru National Cohesion and Integration Commission Kenya
John Gitau Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies Kenyya
I have a keen interest in technical education and currently I am the director in a technical and business training college (TVET). I would be delighted to discuss the challenges of youth unemployment and technical skill levels in Kenya
Dzebam Godlove ISTP Cameroon/Draufsicht Bamenda Cameroon
Júlio Gonçalves Santos Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - Porto University Portugal
Jofre Güell Bosch Fundació Autònoma Solidària (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Spain
Jose Roberto 'Robbie' Guevara International Council of Adult Education (ICAE) Australia
Our strength in capacity-building in particular for adult learning and education trainers and facilitators; advocacy training and network building
Son Gyoh University of Wolverhampton Ireland
Coming from a background in development management, a postgraduate qualification in development and global citizenship education, the network provides a stage to share my experience and gain new insights.  
Karen Hagelskaer Mundu Denmark
Tomo Hamakawa Earth Company Indonesia
Based in Japan and Indonesia, Earth Company is an impact-driven social enterprise that offers transformational support to change-makers, delivers inspiring educational programs, provides professional consulting services, and manages a next generation eco hotel in Ubud, Bali.  Earth Company has been running educational programs on global citizenship, sustainability, and social innovation based in Bali and online since 2015.  We'd love to learn from and share with similar program implementers and explore collaboration!
Lasse Hansen University of Potsdam Deutschland
GCE in teacher education
Claire Hardy Move the World Ghana
Move the World prides itself on its ability to form community. Our facilitators are part of the team- an essential part of the team and hierarchy is not looked upon favourably unless its something we can learn from  We are passionate about experiential education - allowing students and people alike to learn through doing and reflection 
Johanna Harjunpää Finnish Development NGOs Fingo Finland
Md. Mahamud Hasan BRAC Bangladesh
I can share my experience in the implementation of projects on the ground
Tom Hauber Freelance Germany
I have knowledge and know how about: interdisciplinary project management (fields: culture, music, and arts; acting; urban planning and participation) volunteer management leadership and co creational learning structures strategic management and planning (stakeholder management) programm (curriculum / activity) development and project development psychological counseling (social work)  
Sinéad Hayes WorldWise Global Schools Ireland
Potential collaboration on criticial theory of GCE in post primary sectors
Syanne Helly Xin Zhong School Indonesia
Chris Herrwig EPIZ Göttingen and gASTWERKe Akademie Germany
hands on experiences with transformative learning approaches with special focus on ecovillages and lived best practises for sustainability
Maiju Hirviniemi Lahti city Finland
M. Lisa Hollingsworth CASA-NYC United States
Tove Holm Tove Holm Consulting Finland
My core knowledge and know-how are facilitation and education for sustainable development, change leadership, sustainable leadership, environmental and quality management systems, quality assurance, consultation, project management, applying for external funding, communication, editing, public speaking, networking, and transdisciplinary applied action research. I especially enjoy keeping workshops, live or online, with the aim to engage people to develop, network and think forward. I am also familar with enhancing SDG 4.7 in higher education. My Ph.D. study was a cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary action research study done in a network of 11 universities in three countries about enabling change in universities: enhancing education for sustainable development with tools for quality assurance., finished 2014.
Timo Holthoff Transformative Education Activist Germany
Henri Holtsmeier Friends of the Earth Estonia Estonia
I can lecture on why growth based economic system and environmental sustainability can't go hand in hand. Insights into oil shale production and development in Estonia. Using zoom for webinars, marketing online events. As I'm climate activist, I'm part of Fridays For Future and help to build the movement. I can share insights on what the activists think and believe.  
K M Enamul Hoque CAMPE Bangladesh
As National Coalition, we have research, advocacy and network capacity which can be shared through this network. 
Nicolai Houe Committe for Solidarity With Central America // Nordic Praxis // Denmark
Knowledge of and experience with development processes in organisations, leaders and people. Knowledge of and experience with transforming digital learning that will facilitate changes in behaviour and praxis.
Marjan Huc SLOGA Slovenia
Saša Hudnik Azum Institute Slovenia
In Azum Institute we enhance creative and innovative approaches to advocate, teach and educate youth about peace, non-violence, human rights, gender equality ... using integrative methods of expressive arts therapy, drama and movement therapy, music therapy and drama in education.
Julia Hufnagl University of Bamberg Germany
GCE in the Workplace (Cross-Country Multi-Level Analysis of Germany and the US); GCE in higher and vocational education
Mary Ioannidou YEU Cyprus Cyprus
Our extensive experience in non-formal education and experiential learning in youth projects and advocating on the rights of young people with regards to having voice in the Cypriot society and beyond.
Nakakande Irene Somero Uganda Uganda
Shiwam Isrie Anton de kom Universiteit van Suriname Suriname
How to use education to achieve all  the sdg's
Yoko Ito Development Education Association and Resource center Japan
Kristel Jakobson European students union Estonia
Blanka Jamnišek Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Alovneia
- exchange of good practices in using the "Our Rights"  human rights education teaching  tool  for children aged 10-12
Elias Joachim Nigerian Youth SDGs Network Nigeria
Aju John Nagrik Open Civic Learning India
Nagrik Open Civic Learning produces audio- and video-based learning materials for civic and political participation, and places them in the public domain.
katrina judge Young Climate Warriors United Kingdom
Sinkkonen Jussi Maaseutuyhdistys Sydänlanka ry Finland
We organize activities according to the natural cycle, listening to people's strengths and valuing their resources. Everyone can suggest an event or create a circle about an exciting subject or activity. One of the most powerful resources is the dreams of people. We encourage people to dream, visualize, be creative, play, and strengthen the connection with yourself and the area that surrounds you. An important part of activity is the gathering and preservation of natural resources; wild food, berries, herbs etc. Also community workshops related to gardening, for example. Not forgetting culture, music, singing and crafts.. and sauna of course!
Emmanuel Kamwi Danish Minorities Center for Human Rights and Development (DMC-HRD) Denmark

I possess experience of having been a teacher at a Danish Folk High School, the courses I have taught have primarily been aimed at promoting global active citizenship. I also possess experience in programme management.

Helene Kannegaard CISU - Civil Society in Development Denmark
Carrie Karsgaard University of Alberta Canada
academic research on global citizenship education, including literary studies and global citizenship education as well as climate change education; experience with international collaborative online education projects around global issues
Saale Kaubi Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation (AKÜ) Estonia
Irisa Keahey Unite-maailmankansalaisia yhdessä (global citizens together) Finland
Our team includes professionals with experience in building bridges between Finnish and international people including specialists in nationwide integration services for The Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Global Citizenship Education, building diverse communities, grassroots outreach and intercultural social media influencing.
Alzbeta Kerekes Habitat for Humanity International Slovakia
Our organization is focusing mainly on SDG 11 and housing issues, so we are focused on this field and can share this point of view on education.
Aliya Khasseneyeva Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Maths in Almaty Kazakhstan
we have a subject "Global perspectives and project work" where we teach the students SDGs and research skills. The students ned to select one problem connected with SDGs and research it. I could share that.  We also have MUN club where students learn how to write position papers about global problems.
Su Ming Khoo NUI Galway Ireland
Elżbieta Kielak Ms Polska
Raffaela Kihrer European Association for the Education of Adults Belgium
European perspective of adult learning and education: experience of our members at the national and regional levels
Ji Hyun Kim The Irish Development Education Association Ireland
Betsy King Learning for Sustainability Scotland Scotland
Education for Sustainable Development
Pankaj Kishor Art of Community Enhancement Foundation India
As a well trained professional with a rich and varied background in rural development and governance, has 8 years of work experience in the areas of rural and urban development, livelihoods, entitlement of marginalized communities for education.
Judith Klein Inland Norway University College Norge
Research: Doing research on how target 4.7 is integrated in different countries. (I am a human geographer and a teacher.) Lecturer: Holding lectures for school sector On Global Edu, ESD, GCE Author: Writing books on ESD/GCE didactics in schools Policy maker formal sector: Change of curricula I have been working hands on with changing norwegian curricula - mainstreming ESD/GCE into every subject and every level in the public schools,  for the Norwegian Directorate of Education/ MoE Practitioner formal sector: Been working as a teacher in primary, seccondary and upper seccondary--teaching ESD+GCE.  Practitioner non-formal sector: 15 years in non-formal sector, coordinating NGOs campaigns on Global Edu + the topics incl 4.7. Working on getting target 4.7 into the SDGs from 2013-2015. Creating a political space for ESD/GCE trough non formal edu. Also coordinating the Norwegian Folk High schools movements work on ESD/GCE  ("pedagogy for the rich"). Activist: for 20 years - taught by cooperating with social movements in Latin-America.        
Sreten Koceski Community Development Institute Macedonia Macedonia
1. Methodology and approach 2. Experience and research capacities from Western Balkan, EU and Caucasus countries   
Edwin Koga Amazon Theatrix Ensemble Kenya
Theatre for social change is a very vital tool in creating awareness and sensitizing the community on various matters affecting them.With Vast Knowledge and Experience in storytelling through performing arts and media to influence mindset on how people view things,because it speaks to both mind and soul.With prowess in script writing and event management and community organizing i would be at will to help at any level that i can.
Ari Koivu LiiKe - Sports & Development Finlandq
Education through sports, importance of health education
Kaloyan Konstantinov Bulgarian Platform for International Development Bulgaria
Library information knowledge and skills, team teaching, reading strategies, diverse literacy, didactics of teaching with the library.
Mārīte Kravale-Pauliņa Daugavpils University Latvia
Teacher education, training, career education
Elżbieta Krawczyk Centre for Citizenship Education Polska
Liepina Kristine Center for Education Initiatives Latvia
Anuradha Kumar InWithFlux India
Having worked in the advertising and P.R. industry , my expertise lies in ideation and promotion strategies  which I can bring to the table towards achieving goals and bringing about mindset perceptions specially in the space of education, empowerment and the environment. 
Martin Kuštek Bratislava Region Youth Council Slovakia Mostly youth work, marketing and grant advisory
Zuzana Labašová CEEV Živica Slovakia
Charo Lanao Atinchik Consultants Northern Ireland - Peru
I am a professional facilitator that focus on Global Education and Intercultural Dialogue. 
Mark Langdon The SANE Collective Scotland
Knowledge and experience of social movement building and community development.
Andrea Lapegna Lifelong Learning Platform Belgium
Insights into European policy developments, contribution to common and public positions, access to a network of European NGOs in the field of education and training. 
Rilli Lappalainen Bridge 47 Finland
Una Lappin ULtd - developing currently Northern Ireland
Dietzel Lars The Melton Foundation Chile
Our programs focus on furthering Global Citizenship practice. (link:
Saleh Lazam Almuthanna university Iraq
Interest on iraq
Hoang Phong Le YOURE Organization Vietnam
I have much experience in fundraising and advocacy
Stephanie Leder Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Sweden/Germany
I pushlished a book on transformative pedagogic practice where I develop a framework and methods on how to integrate ESD in curricula, textbooks and teaching at secondary schools, with the example of India, but applicable elsewhere: I also pulished a paper on the same in Vietnam: I further developed a participatory gender training for community groups in agriculture, irrigation and rural development:
Stephen Lee Kadesh International South Africa
Several pedagogies for learning.  
Laura Leeson Projet Jeune Leader Madagascar
Primary Constituent Accountability - What it is and how to go about improving it Best practices in Comprehensive Sexuality Education Working with very young adolescents (ages 10-14)
Kate Lesenger Bridge 47 Scotland, UK
Stalo Lesta Freelancer Cyprus
I consider myself a driven human rights activist and  have been working as a researcher, trainer, consultant, workshop and group facilitator within the Civil Society Sector in Cyprus. I am passionate about issues pertaining to diversity and inclusion, human rights education, children’s rights, youth empowerment, gender equality, gender based violence, violence against women, domestic and child abuse, LGBTIQ+ rights and sexuality. I have been the author or co-author of academic articles and various training manuals implementing critical pedagogy, feminist pedagogy and transformative learning in the topics of sexuality and sexual rights, sex education, human rights education, gender equality, gender based violence, intimate partner violence, teenage relationships and youth empowerment.  I work with a wide variety of audiences, including children, teenagers, young people, parents, educators, psychologists, social workers and other professionals and policy makers. My vision is a world that embraces diversity, justice and equality and where all people are empowered to stand up and assert their rights.
Valerie Lewis Education and Training Boards Ireland Ireland
Mapping content to the learning outcomes and teaching and learning in the post primary curriculum.
Susanne Loher Südwind Austria (Südwind - Verein für Entwicklungspolitik und globale Gerechtigkeit) Austria
experience in GCE in formal and non-formal education, teachers' training etc.
Un Wa Lok Language Exchange & Cultural Promotion Association (LECPA) Macao SAR
cultural education, culture-awareness campaign
Silvana Longueira Matos University of Santiago de Compostela España
d'Arcy Lunn Teaspoons of Change Australia
Mary Ellen Lynch Mary Ellen Lynch Consulting USA
My mission is to foster global citizenship in and outside of the classroom. In my role as adjunct professor, I integrate Global Citizenship Education (GCE) into curriculum across disciplines. I bring my passion for GCE to the community as a consultant to help schools, businesses and organizations integrate global citizenship into their work to enhance impact. My focus area is helping to create more welcoming communities. By applying a community engaged teaching pedagogy, I cultivate partnerships with refugee organizations all over the world to help learners of all ages explore and understand the challenges of a globalized world through the lens of migration. Through course design, workshops and engagement initiatives, I aim to inspire positive change by helping learners of all ages apply components of global citizenship into all facets of life.               
Priviledge Mabiza Nelson Mandela University Zimbabwe
My research with the title, developing a Framework for Digital Citizenship Education (DCE) for South African secondary schools, focuses on producing a framework that equips learners with the knowledge to navigate digital spaces responsibly. The study highlights the need for incorporating DCE in the national school curriculum given the increasing role technology is taking in young people’s lives in line with SDG 4, quality education specifically Target 4.7.
Carminda Mac Lorin Katalizo Canada
Feriel Magnier-Slimani Partage FRANCE
PARTAGE is coordinating an international network of local actors in France and in 19 other countries. Many of these local actors have a long experience in developping and implementing GCE activities in their various local context.  We believe this diversity of experiences, visions, approaches, and values on GCE can be very valuable to the Bridge 47 network. 
Carolina Magdalene Maier Danish Adult Education Association Denmark
We stand on a platform of "folkbildung" in Denmark which is quite unique. Our history of cooperatives and cooperative ways of organising youth and adult learing that lies besides the formal education is long and traditional.
Maija Makkonen UFF Finland
Golaleh Makrooni Tampere University Finland
Education and migrant family students.
Brian Malika One More Percent Kenya
Design Thinking strategies on drafting an inclusive educational curriculum.
Jennifer Manabat Philippine Red Cross Philippines
Good Laboratory Practices Document Control Biosafety and Biosecurity
Rebecca Mann How to Change the World United Kingdom
One thing in particular we could share is how to offer quality education in the digital realm in an engaging and effective manner. 
Sofia Marchesini Agora Institute/Cosp Verona Italy
I am working in two fields that are not directly related to GCE. At Agora, I am working on the international development of higher education in Asia and the Mediterranean Area and at COSP Verona I am collaborating for the development and delivery of local career guidance services. I am doing my best to include SDGs and GCE in my everyday job, and I would like to share and develop new ideas on how to make it. Both the international development projects and career guidance services are in line with the neoliberal framework, and I would like to open them up to a more critical perspective. 
Paolo Mascia ISCOS Piemonte Italy
Paul Mather Aberdeenshire Council Scotland
Tran Max Fingo Finland
Michael Mbegbu Civicus Nigeria
Graeme McMeekin Tearfund United Kingdom
Dorothee Meijer MasterPeace Nederland
Campaigning, see above. Create concepts together, e.g. recently we've applied for European funding regarding digital readiness. We've now created the proposal with our clubs in eastern europe. But for a next round, we can also partner with organizations from the Bridge 47 network. We can share best practises from all over the world (40 clubs) of training youngsters to become active citizens.
Karena Menzie-Ballantyne CQUniversity Australia
I have been working (teaching at school and tertiary levels, working in the not-for-profit sector, and researching) in the field of education for global citizenship for nearly two decades.
John Miana Aid Train Sierra Leone Sweden
Our organisation will share our experiences through meetings with Target 4.7 and the rest of the network or through pictures, videos, or on an invitation to have first-hand experience through visits to our operational areas. Our organisation will also permit the sharing of our work to partners and also on social media.
Ján Michalko Slovakia
Network building; Gender analysis; Evaluation/ Theories of Change for youth-focused education, employability and civic engagement interventions
Paula Mihai Teacher Training Institute of Buzău County, România Romania
expert in educational management | teacher trainer/ coach | expert in global education | I am involved in Global Education projects, co-autor of the first GE Guidelines of North-South Center of Council of Europe | co- coordinating the Global Education Week in the network of schools in Romania | trainer in GE  
Tominaga Mika Study Circles Japan Japan
Organising study circles 
Goran Mitrovic Association "People's Parliament" Serbia
Ussi Abuu Mnamengi WildHub Conservation Community Tanzania
Many countries have yet to understand the difference between the MDGs and the SDGs, particularly their universality, the huge potential of new data methods to help with their implementation, and the systems thinking that is needed to deliver the vision. The danger is that individual goals may be prioritized without an understanding of the potential positive interactions between goals. Growing points: There is an increasing understanding that sustainable development needs a paradigm shift in our understanding of the interaction between the real economy and quality of life.  Please visit my blog here?
Giovanna Modé CLADE - Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education Brazil
Advocacy at regional and international levels, communication and campaigns, participatory-research.
Issa Mohammad Creativity Lab for Empowerment and Innovation Palestine
Sandra Morrison International Council of Adult Education (ICAE) New Zealand
As per above. I am very much embedded in my indigneous community in NZ and have extensive experience of also working in the South Pacific which has its own unique experiences
Joan Mowat University of Strathclyde Scotland
Seham Negm Women and Society Association Egypt
Willie Ngambela Monze Community Development College Zambia
Gender related issues in Education.
Mette Toft Nielsen Mette Toft Nielsen ( Denmark
- A focus on anti-racism and anti-discrimination, especially in learning spaces whether in the educational field (schools and daycare institutions), in the labor field or media discourses.  - A focus on creating communities of belonging, justice and equality.  - A focus on mindful interactions, culturally responsive teaching and authenticity in pedagogical practices.  
Peterson Njagi Comenius University in Bratislava - FSES Slovak Republic
Sarah Nuedling Fachstelle Globales Lernen, Kirchenkreis Hamburg Ost Germany
Design and facilitate trainings on GCE and transformative education, facilitate and organise group learning processes and multi-stakeholder dialogues, working with concept of systemic change.  
mary o'connor Birr FET, Laois Offaly Education Training Board Ireland
UCHENNA CELESTINE OKONKWOR Zion International Christian Centers NIGERIA
Missions, Health and Humanity
Experienced educator with a demonstrated history of working in the primary/secondary education industry. Strong interest in I.C.T and educational development. Highly skilled in school facilities/HR management, lesson planning, educational technology, and differentiated instruction; Passionate about SDG, ESD and GCED Campaign and Advocacy.
Cheng Keat Oo Open University Malaysia Malaysia
As an academic in higher education, I’m passionate in Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and some other goals of SDGs. At the same time, I'm a PhD candidate and my research is related to GCED also. I had contributed 1 topic related to GCED in my university’s academic module and is currently co-writing on the training module related to SDGs for primary and secondary school’s teachers.
Mariam Osman Bridge 47 / Fingo Finland
Huw Owen Disasters Emergency Committee United Kingdom
Multi-media communications and content
Karoliina Paakkinen Bridge 47 / Fingo Finland
Alita Pan MeiSha Bilingual School 中国
Joanna Pankowska Polska Akcja Humanitarna Poland
Critical global education, lifelong learning, creating materials for all levels of education, from interactive games to substantive publications, focus on autoreflexion
Kenneth Parku-Ackah European Association of Development Research & Training Institutes (EADI) Germany
Xose Luis Pastoriza-Rozas University of Santiago de Compostela Spain
Gil Pereira Associação Famalicão em Transição / YUPI - Youth Union of People with Initiative Portugal
Mostly around the methodologies and practices of non formal education and environmental education, mainly focus with youth, but not strictly, and the approaches of making it complement with the formal education (schools and other similar educational systems).
Daniel Perell Baha'i International Community United States
Eleftheria Photiou NGO Support Centre Cyprus
Eleftheria Photiou NGO Support Centre Cyprus
Brita Phuthi Oslo Metropolitan University Norway
As part of my PhD research, I am currently studying how teacher educators in South Africa include the topic of structural racism, and related structural inequalities, in their teaching, and how they relate this to education's role to transformation and SDG 4.7. Previously, I have worked for over a decade as an advisor to the Norwegian Folk High Schools (non-formal adult education) on GCED and ESD. I also cooperated with Nordic partners within formal and non-formal adult education on projects related to sustainability. 
Tiina Piipponen Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Finland
My educational background is in international and global politics as well as in intercultural encounters, I also have teacher qualifications and I have experience in teaching HEI students intercultural learning including global citizenship aspects
Oona Piipponen University of Eastern Finland Finland
Intercultural learning and encountering,
Using stories and storytelling to form reciprocal relationships,
Storycrafting method,
Developing global citizenship education with primary school aged children,
Children's perspectives and participation,
Markus Plasencia-Kanzler Verein Sozialprofil Austria
Nathalie Porte Union des associations e-graine France
We will be able to share the results of the action-research at work on our migration education programme "One world Citizen". This action-research studies cooperative multi-actor governance (State, ministries, experts, financial donors, NGOs) designed to deploy the societal impact of this educational programme. The aim is to share the methodology at work within the movement and with our partners in order to initiate this cooperative process. Translated with (free version)
Svitlana Poznyak Institute of Social and Political Psychology Ukraine
Tomáš Profant Comenius University Slovakia
Silvia Puente Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona) Spain
Dr. Mostafizur Rahaman CAMPE Bangladesh
AHM Bazlur Rahman Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication Bangladesh
Role of Community Broadcasting in SDG: 4.7
Antti Rajala University of Helsinki Suomi
Nelya Rakhimova Open School of Sustainable Development (Openshkola) Russia
Anna Maria Ranczakowska ActinArt Network/ Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Estonia
Transformative learning as pedagogy and design thinking as tool to enhance artistic social entrepreneurial mindset Empathetic Entrepreneurship Transformation of HEI (Societal Engagement) - strategies and reforms for implementation of Sustainable Goals in HEI's development programs. 
Krista Regennitter Stanley Center for Peace and Security United States
NiNa Reichert bridge-it! e.V. Germany
Keri Reid Muthill Primary School/University of Stirling Scotland
Sanna Rekola Fingo Finland
Finnish experiences on critical GCED in practice, the use of values and systemic thinking in GCED and transformative learning, future thinking and foresight practices.
Nepal Rijal Sakcham Rural Nepal Nepal
José João Rodrigues Casa da Esquina Portugal
Maria Rodrigues Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Portugal
Sally Romilly One World Centre Scotland
Experience of leading GCE workshops for teachers
Katarina Roncevic The Turquoise Change Germany
Cosmas Rongoti Shanduko Yeupenyu Child Care Zimbabwe
Cosmas is a holder of a Master’s Degree in Development Studies; certificate in working with Children and youth, Certificate in Education, Certificate in Systemic Counseling, Diploma in Project Management and various development and other educational certificates. He is a development Practitioner and Educationist with more than 10 years’ experience in teaching development programs , HIV and AIDS, Education / training, advocacy, Basic health Care, gender, counseling, psychosocial support and workshops and managing development projects in various vulnerable communities. He mentors emerging and youth-led organizations in fields of corporate governance and fundraising. His major interest in the Education space lies in life- long Learning and Engagement approaches. Over the years he has built the capacity of partners, led and coordinated different projects, working for both National and International Non-Governmental Organizations. Experienced Research Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the nonprofits sector. Skilled in Project Management, Strategic Planning, Health Education and Learning Facilitation. Strong community and social services professional. Cosmas has acquired extensive management skills encompassing- capacity building and strengthening, documentation, leading project teams, budget management and report writing. . Passionate about international education exchanges programs. He founded of Shanduko Yeupenyu Child Care, a nonprofit promoting girls education and empowerment among young people in Zimbabwe through developing academic and digital educational products and content.
Anuschka Ruge Affective Facilitation Belgium
I am experienced facilitator, trainer and visual practitioner. I also have worked in the youth work and civil society sector with a focus on project management and communications. My facilitation practice is based in Non-formal, Human Rights and Global Education as defined the Council of Europe. For more information check my website
Sonja Salminen MUNDU - center for global education Denmark
So Chenda Samreth United Nations International School USA
Marie Sandvad Kalundborg High School Denmark
Using the Global Goals for teaching (
Anastasiia Sapielnikova Peking University Ukraine
Maria Sassi University of Pavia Italy
Maria Schulenburg EAWM Austria
i studied international political science and cultural and social anthropology and am now involved in project work in development cooperation. As well as in development education work.
Nicolai Seest &LEARNING Denmark
Knowledge in combining creativity and innovation with the SDGs in education. See
Agim Selami ZIP Institute Republic of North Macedonia
A key feature of the work of ZIP Institute are detailed, encompassing analyses, initiatives and actions on local, national and regional levels, as well as connecting the processes of research and analysis with tangible solutions to the most pressing problems and contributing to policy-making processes. Our organization has conducted many workshops, desktop and field research projects, round table discussions, seminars and projects against corruption and violent extremism, as well as campaigns for promotion and protection of natural resources. 
Arnaldo Serna Escuela para el Desarrollo Perú
Somos un centro de formación y ofrecemos cursos en temas de desarrollo territorial sostenible, metodologías participativas, aprendizaje experiencial participativo
Eliška Šertlerová FoRS - Czech Forum for Development Cooperation Czech Republic
Manca Setinc Vernik Humanitas - Centre for global learning and cooperation Slovenia
Building networks, creating new methodologies and transformative ideas, combining global education with theatre, photography, puppetry, street actions, campaigns etc.
Holly Shaw Long Island University United States
Education for Global Citizenship
Mbunkur Shey Vitalis Better Future for All Association Cameroon
I am an SDG advocate and the Founder of Better Future for All Association and has been a volunteer African coordinator with Youth Human Rights and Citizenship Development Initiative and Youth for Human Rights International for promoting entrepreneurship, and SDGs in Cameroon. I am currently a UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Local Pathways Fellow. Leadership experiences I had gained working with young people and as a community leader will be shared with other members to make our world a better place for all. 
Margarida Silveira Rodrigues HighScope Portugal, associação Portugal
I’m a psychologist, specialist in active learning and socio-emotional learning, I’m a HighScope certified trainer and I’m implementing the HighScope approach for more than 20 years in several Portuguese speaking countries.
Bolanle Clara Simeon-Fayomi Dept of Adult Education & Lifelong Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Nigeria
My research area is Adult Education & Lifelong Learning, I specializes in indigenous Education. In this context, I use the tools of storytelling to convey messages & knowledge in global citizenship education with stories from all nations.
Christos Simis Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Germany
Critical and analytic skills for philosophical reflection. Making scientific research accessible to non-experts.
Laura Teresa Simon self-employed and ijgd Germany
Sara Smith Royal Highland Education Trust UK
Pierre Smith Khanna Research and Degrowth Spain
I've worked for 3 years in an alternative international boarding school (Brockwood Park School) teaching Humanities and Human Ecology. I've run and facilitated workshops in Degrowth and Environmental Justice and currently am co-coordinating a masters in Political Ecology, Degrowth and Environmental Justice in which we strive to provide the tools for systemic change and explore alternative pedagogies and horizontal decision-making processes. Currently also helping out on an Erasmus+ project looking at how to enhance education for the social and solidarity economy in Europe. 
EufemiA Solinas Global Action Plan Ireland Ireland
We can share our knowledge of utilising DevEd/GCE, ESD and the SDGs as an education tool to enact local change. In addition we can share our learnings from utilizing key community members to help enable community action through a multiplier effect.
Ozge Sonmez Yuva Association (YUVA) Türkiye
Adult and youth GC Education Programs. 
Benjamin Stewart Deutsches Insitut für Entwicklungspolitik / German Development Institute (DIE) Germany
Riikka Suhonen University of Helsinki Finland
In August 2020, I have started my PhD research on global citizenship in upper secondary vocational education in Finland. In this qualitative, empirical research, I will examine how global citizenship education is understood and enacted in the context of vocational education and training. A particular focus of my research will be on exploring the pedagogical potential of controversial issues (eg. extremism, climate change or migration) when developing global citizenship competences among young vocational students.
Dr Dalene Swanson University of Stirling Scotland / UK
Colleen Tait Scottish Fair Trade Forum United Kingdom
Knowledge about Fair Trade education and campaigning.
Hanna Tamminen Teachers' Mission Association of Finland Finland
Lorraine Tansey NUI Galway Ireland
The civic role of universities and third level civic engagement policies and practices. 
Stuart Taylor Pollinator Social Innovation/ PeopleMakePurpose / Decol.Hub/Ldn United Kingdom
Course design / Facilitation / Systems thinking / Systemic constellations / Group hosting / Creative & Critical writing / Decolonial & Social justice practices
Kuan Thomas U 3rd Age Singapore
Community building for third age learners.
Tina Trdin Lojtra Slovenia
- knowledge of the development of GE/GCED in the last 7 years (I have been active in the DARE forum and then in the HUB 4 working group at Concord), I was also coordinating the GE working group in Slovenia - Learning approaches to GE, combining GE and awareness raising on the streets (association Lojtra won the APCEIU- UNESCO world award in 2019 for the project GEAgora, would be happy to share the methodology), I am active as a trainer in Global education - permaculture, outdoor approaches to learning- my wish is to bring the learning outside, physically remove the structures which limit us- I am involved in projects which experiment with this.
Alan Tuckett University of Wolverhampton UK
skills in advocacy
Andreea-Loredana Tudorache A.R.T. Fusion Association Romania Romania
Jenni Tuominen Bridge 47 / Fingo Finland
Henry Udemeh Grassroot Development Support and Rural Enlightenment Initiative Nigeria
Community engagement.
Sebastian Van Hoeck University Center for Development Cooperation Belgium
Judi Varga-Toth Colleges and Institutes Canada Canada
Gillion Vaughn Bridge 47 Finland
María José Vázquez Fundación ETEA - Universidad Loyola Andalucía Spain
We can share our expertise in working with the impoverished South.
Talia Vela-Eiden EADI Germany
Natalija Veselič Martinjak OSNOVNA ŠOLA LIVADA, LJUBLJANA Slovenija
Ker delam na OŠ Livada, na kateri je večina učencev ali priseljencev-migrantov  ali 1., 2. generacije priseljencev, Romov, učencev s posebnimi potrebami,...lahko nudim znanja, ki sem jih pridobila na področjih dela s priseljenci, Romi, posebne potrebe in tudi z učenci prostovoljci, inkluzivna znanja in še kaj, kar sem pridobila v 20 letih dela na tej šoli. Vsa ta področja vedno povezujem z likovno umetnostjo, tradicijo, kulturo in naravo iz pogleda multikulturnosti.
Ira Vihreälehto Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland Finland
Milton Villarroel North Gaston High School United States
I am an educator with many years of experience internationally. I am also a teacher trainer and I help teachers include SDG lessons in their classroom activities.
Patricija Virtič SLOGA - Slovene NGO platform for development, global education and humanitarian aid Slovenia
Global education, communication, campaigning, social media, fake news.
Susanne von Itter European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes EADI e.V. Germany
development research, conferences, workshops, publications, virtual events
Jacqueline Wallder Vocational Training Development Institute Jamaica
Possibly sharing information on how we advance Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) towards facilitating access and prompting life long learning.
Gary WALSH University of Glasgow Scotland
Info available here  
Tara Walsh Makematic United Kingdom
Shirley Walters PIMA South Africa
I have been a professor of adult and continuing education for 35 years and have spent my professional life as an activist scholar in the interests of socio-economic-ecological justice.
Gabriel Weibl Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, Institute of European Studies and IR Slovakia
SEEKEP within FSEV Comenius University in Bratislava with AMPRELA
Evan Weissman Warm Cookies of the Revolution United States
Our expertise is engaging people who normally never show up for civic education and action. We do it using very unique and creative approaches. Our model is called a Civic Health Club.
Jan Wenzel VENRO Germany
Deborah Williams The Global Citizens English Project Spain
Janice Williams the Phoenix Learning Initiative Canada
localizing SDGs in science learning communities; decolonizing education; leading for equity and teaching for change; science and sustainability education specialist
Marie Wilpers v# Germany
Global Education/ political education
Tata Wirba Usmaila Mbiame New Vision Multipurpose Farming and Development Association Cameroon
I am a professional individual concerned with  creating and rebuilding of sustainable communities in Cameroon.  My approach to these issues is too fold, combining sustainability and education. To me sustainability means being able to support your own health and the health of your community in a way that is long term. Central to this is access to food, clean water, suitable homes and freedom from violence. Education means that the techniques and lessons needed to support this way of life are transmitted successfully to the people of the community, such that a balanced life can be achieved, and the means to acquire it are not forgotten. ​​​​​I am very good at Networking, running children Education programs, a strong activist on Gender and gender base violence, Women empowerment programs and menstrual hygiene campaigns. For more information visit :
Kerstin Wittig-Fergeson Freelance Cyprus
Over 15 years experience in Global Education, development of educational resources, design&implementation of GCE Trainings, Workshops, Research related to GCE, sustainable development, global food systems, experience in developing and management of CSO platform/ networks; advocacy experience (local and European level)
Burcu Yeşiladalı Independent Turkey
Tsvetina Zaharlieva "Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley" Bulgaria
Daiga Zaķe Center for Education Initiatives Latvija
Jakub Žaludko Ambrela - Platform for Development Organizations Slovakia
Past experience for Bridge 47
Natinal level advocacy strategies
Experience with regional GCE networks (NSC of CoE, GENE? Bridge 47, CONCORD HUB4)
Jakub Žaludko Impact Games Slovakia
GCE advocacy, digitalization of education, educational games, partnerships with public institutions, partnerships with private sector companies.
Susanne Zels Values Unite Germany
I can share a recent policy proposal presented by Values Unite on how to enhance citizenship education in the EU. 
Stefania Zourka Simulation of the Youth Municipal Council of Kozani, Greece Greece
We have achieved good organizational techniques and teamwork management. We have also, experience in making graphics (infographics, leaflets, presentations) and have increased soft skills, as far as youth work and workshops are concerned.
Johan Stubbe Østergaard Klimasamtalen Denmark
Aleksandra Đorem Association of Secondary School Students in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ASuBiH) Bosnia and Herzegovina

A global community

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